The SES-Method

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Mind & Body Medicine using the SES-Method

Prevention and Healing with Western & Far Eastern Medicine

The SES-method is an integrated method of treatment from the field of Mind & Body Medicine. Its purpose is the prevention, therapy and soothing relief of diseases. For this, we offer seminars, courses and medical cures. The SES-method focuses on the participant as a whole person. Physical well-being, feelings and thoughts as well as personal circumstances are to be minded equally.

The patient is the substantial co-creator of his health. If important parts of the way of life are developed further, health can be retained or regained:

Diet adjusted accordingly to personal needs and situation, a way of life that supports and boosts health, the right amount of healing exercise and also the consideration of feelings and thoughts play key roles.

The SES-Method – a combination of body, mind and soul

Because our physical and mental-spiritual processes are directly and inseparably linked, the SES-concept is based on the mind-body-connection. Diet and exercise affect our mental processes – also, feelings and thoughts have a big impact on our bodies and our physical health.

The foundation as well as the engine of the SES-Method is the desire for health and self-development. The SES-Method focuses on the individual person as a substantial co-creator of his or her health. Everyone can have a say in where he or she wants to set priorities; the concept’s essence is the acquirement of medical knowledge which generates a lasting effect.

Diet and way of life are without a doubt the foundation of strong health – as well as emotions and the approach to our thoughts, which are of central importance. Often, this matter of fact is not taken into account: especially the field of conventional medicine is often blind to new medical insights and dismisses the ways of integrated healing for mind, body and soul.

The commonness and degree of severity of contemporary diseases speak volumes: Stress-induced diseases and mental disorders are currently on the rise. About 4 million people in Germany alone suffer from depression and are in need of treatment. Stress is most likely the leading issue concerning 80 % of all diseases and disorders. Causes for stress are primarily superfluity of challenge, suppressing of needs, frustration and mental overload.

The SES-Method offers an integrated approach to the restoration of health in case of psychic and stress-induced diseases. Experience clearly proves how effective stress-reducing measures are, concerning prevention and cure. Unlike conventional medicine, the SES-concept places great value on the individuality of a person according to the following principle: „If all get the same, only few will get the right thing“. Therefore, the SES-Method really elaborates on the personal issues of the patient.

Stress reduction according to the SES-Method has a relaxing effect on both the nervous system and muscle system: Especially during silent exercises, where the body is coached into a state of eased consciousness. This causes the cardiac frequency to slow down, the blood pressure to normalize and the breathing to steady down. Also, your mind will react inseparably to physical symptoms: Thoughts will calm, fears, guilty feelings and stress-induced symptoms will be released. Furthermore, your mood and the ability to concentrate will improve.

More about the SES-Method see the following page:

The SES-Cure

[1] Vgl.: Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe: Wissen. In: (Aufruf am 2013-11-19, 11.45 Uhr).